Saturday, December 24, 2011

this christmas

This Christmas:
This is the way a Christmas tree is supposed to look :)
Mend a quarrel.
Seek out a forgotten friend.
Write a love letter.
Share some treasure.
Give a soft answer.
Encourage youth.
Keep a promise.
Find the time.
Forgive an enemy.
Apologize if you were wrong.
Think first of someone else.
Be kind and gentle.
Laugh a little more.
Express your gratitude.

Gladden the heart of a child.
Take pleasure in the beauty and wonder of the Earth.
Speak your love.
Speak it again.
Speak it still once again.
If you know anyone who is struggling to enjoy a "merry" Christmas this year because of illness or hardship or loss...this post is for you. If you know anyone who is unable to imagine a "happy" New Year because of bitterness or dread or sorrow...this post is for you.

My wish for each of you is a mindful spirit at Christmas and a New Year that brings you healing and hope.